The Pets Blog Week in Review for Sep 10-16

If you missed any of the Pets Blog last week you’ve clicked the right place to catch up. Here’s what Aimee and I wrote on: Monday, September 10 I related the big fun Murph has with his flying monkey. (Nope, they’re not just for Dorothy and Toto to play with anymore.) Oh what a tangled web we weave…when we walk our dogs? Well, when Aimee walks her dogs. She becomes the Amazing Spider Head! And because of her encounters, it got her to wondering about poisonous spiders. Best to know what they look like in case she comes across them. … Continue reading

Thunk, Doing, Whap: What a Racket!

Sometimes our house gets to be a noisy place. Sure there’s the routine noises that most cat and dog houses have: Murphy barking at something outside, the stampede to the food bowls at feeding time, the cats mewing like mad right before mealtime, and Tab’s midnight jam sessions on the blinds. But they also make their own distinctive brand of noises. Ones that when made help me identify the maker by my ears alone. Thunk! Murphy has a sturdy, strong, long tail that when he’s happy, watch out! His tail has been known to leave welt marks. He doesn’t mean … Continue reading

New Neighbors and Their Outdoor Pets

Three new families have moved into my neighborhood during the last month. All have pets. (Woohoo! More pet people!) However, two of the households have outdoor pets. Aimee’s not the only one who takes exception to her neighbors from time to time. Occasionally, so do I. Most recently Aimee had to contend with neighbors not disposing of their trash (namely chicken bones) in the proper place. Frustrating. I can feel her pain. One of our new neighbors’ animals is leaving some litter behind I’d rather he dispose of elsewhere, too…. The Outdoor Cat Apparently he’s made friends with his next … Continue reading

Expressions: “Whoever Heard Of…?”

When my mom was still here, before she went to the hospice, we often found ourselves repeating a certain expression: “Whoever heard of…” followed by some observation about the behavior of the animals. Once I noticed we repeated this expression, I began compiling a list of them. Below are a few of my “Whoever heard of…” favorites: “…a cat taking a bath?” Mr. Meow’s our water lover. One morning as I was running the water for my mom’s bath, Mr. Meow went in to play in her tub. That’s when my mom laughed, shook her head, and said, “Whoever heard … Continue reading

Grandma Dorothy’s Top Doctors Foster and Smith Cat Catalog Picks

When I recruited Murphy, Tabby, and Mr. Meow to help in the personal pet therapy project, they had no idea their Grandma Dorothy might want to show her appreciation for their help by shopping for them. But that’s what she’s been dong the past few days –via one of the Doctors Foster and Smith catalogs. Specifically the one just for cats. The Doctors Foster and Smith catalogs are among my favorite pet catalogs to browse through. (And, yes, even buy from. The Drinkwell Pet Fountain and the infamous cat cottage are two prime examples.) But I have to admit I … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: The Tales Their Tails Tell

An inadvertent side affect of the personal pet therapy project has been that my mom is paying attention to Murphy, Tabby, and Mr. Meow’s mannerisms. And remembering them from day to day. For instance, she’s beginning to recognize that when Murph lets out a certain bark and rushes to the window a rabbit’s surely in the yard. When he growls another way and rushes to the window a dog must be going past. Then there’s his whine and anxious face pressed in front of ours when he’s ready to go for a walk. But the cats intrigue her the most … Continue reading

The Early Christmas Present: Trouble for Murphy, Mr. Meow and Tabby

Because Wayne returned to his old job with the old hours (i.e. long and frequent), he knew he wasn’t going to have time for Christmas shopping. So last Sunday we went to Best Buy to get me a new digital camera: a Canon PowerShot SD 1000. Wow, is it slick! It’s my first digital camera so I have a bit of a learning curve to overcome, but who cares? That’s half the fun. Besides, it does a bunch of neat things my film camera couldn’t do –like take movies with sound! I haven’t had all that much time to play … Continue reading

Murphy, Tabby, or Kitty: Who’s to Blame?

When it used to only be Murphy and Kitty I could pretty much figure out whose mess was whose or who was to blame when something went awry in our house. If I found a hairball, it was Kitty’s. Murph’s puke looks a lot different than Kitty’s (mainly because since he’s so much bigger there’s usually so much more of it) so that was an easy deduction. If something was knocked off a table, it was usually Kitty’s fault since he likes to whap things off counters. However, there’ve been a couple of times when one was wrongly charged in … Continue reading

Mr. Meow’s Minky

Mr. Meow horsing around on his Minky. Have you ever heard of a cat having a security blanket? I never had, until Mr. Meow stole mine. Sort of. He didn’t nab my real security blanket. By the time Mr. Meow came along my beloved Minky was nothing more than a tattered rag. (Which I still have tucked away in a drawer. I just can’t seem to toss the darn thing.) No, the Minky Mr. Meow laid claim to was a replica my sister had given me for Christmas 1999 as a joke. But the joke was that Mr. Meow thought … Continue reading

Chaotic Cat Chronicles: Crouching Meowy, Flying Tabby (Hidden Murphy)

I never could have imagined the even bigger strides that were to follow the end of Mr. Meow’s bed boycott back in June. Distraught The first part of this year was so incredibly stressful. I didn’t know what to do about Tabby and it seemed Mr. Meow had met his ultimate match. He was all freaked out and unhappy, which broke my heart. My poor little Meowy sure didn’t deserve Tabby’s harassment. I felt so guilty. After all, I was the one who’d brought her home and she’d immediately run roughshod over the cat who had previously reigned the kingdom. … Continue reading